Jack and Amy are living the single life in London, until a casual one-night stand makes them realize that maybe they should take a risk and try a real relationship. Written in alternating he said/she said chapters, readers get an inside perspective on how the other side thinks. Lloyd and Rees, both novelists in their own right, were put together by their publisher to write this book, and fell in love in the process. They even graced the cover of their book. They now live in London with their family and have co-authored numerous books.
The first time I read this book, I read it in one sitting. Needing something good to read, it went with me to college as my security blanket during those first days away from home. This book didn’t change my life, but I’ve read it many times because it’s just a good story. There are twists and turns, but the happy ending I seek comes at the end.
Perhaps part of my draw to this book is the fact that their subsequent joint efforts have been so hard to get my hands on. Come Together was published in the United States, but the rest of their books are published in the United Kingdom, meaning that libraries in Britain, Canada and Australia obtain them, but American libraries don’t. I’ve been fortunate for the interlibrary loan service from the Vancouver BC Public Library to help me with my fix. As I researched this piece, I realized I hadn’t looked for one of their new books in awhile—turns out I missed The Seven Year Itch in 2007. Guess I’ll be calling upon the Vancouver PL soon…