Saturday, February 7, 2009

a tale of a knitted Christmas garland

It all began with a Not Martha post. She described a white knitted garland for a Christmas tree. (Don't ask me to find the specific post; I've tried and cannot find it.) So in November 2006, I bought the yarn. Lion Brand Festive Fur in White. It sparkles and is fuzzy. Perfect. And then it languished in my yarn box for months. Until it was resurrected for a road trip in June 2007. During the 14 hours in the car, I finished the garland using two balls of Festive Fur.
It was fabulous and looked just like garland. I couldn't wait to put it on the Christmas tree. Fast forward in December 2007--the garland is too short. It wraps around the tree only three times.
So back to the store for more yarn. This time around, I didn't wait months to finish the project. With another two balls of yarn and car trips to Kansas City and Kennett, I was able to finish this in a month. But it was still too late to add it to the tree this year.

(But I did add it to the tree before we disassembled it so I have an idea of the placement.) At least next year it will be perfect. Details can be found on Ravelry.

1 comment:

missingjustice said...

I want one so bad but I don't know how to knit.=(