Saturday, February 7, 2009

the wonder that is Silpat

I have heard about them for years, I have longed from afar, and now I have Silpat baking mats. I don't understand how they work (something about their compostion that I haven't read carefully enough to remember), but these beauties work great. Since I received them for Christmas, I've raved about them so much that my little brother wants one for his first apartment.
For those cookie makers out there, nothing can beat the Silpat. Nothing will stick to them, and they aid with even baking. As a longtime user of Airbake pans, I've already accomplished the bake evenly part, but cookies always stuck to the pan. We have been using parchment paper for over a year, but we invariably run out when it's 11 pm and "we have to get the cookies baked tonight." We will have that problem no more. Silpats can be washed and reused, as long as they are stored flat or rolled (never folded so the insides don't break).
They are a wonder, and not too expensive, considering all the parchment paper they are saving me (and let's not forget about the environment--I don't think you can recycle used parchment paper with cookie bits on them).

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