Wednesday, July 18, 2007

forever ago

Just at this moment reading a review for another Austen inspired novel, I realized that I never posted my completion of Austenland. I loved it. It was a delight, even though I haven't read all of Austen's novels and barely remember some of the characters and plot points from the various books. The author threw in enough twists and turns that I couldn't guess the ending. I think it is many Austen fans' dream to be able to go back in time and live the way she lived.

Right now I'm flying through Second Chance by Jane Green. I love love love it. Green could write anything and I would love it. As always, Second Chance is filled with loveable characters who I find parts of myself in and therefore can identity with, and the plot just keeps me guessing. I really wish she would put out books faster!


Friday, July 6, 2007

up next

Today, finally, I got the new Jane Green novel: Second Chance. I have been dying to read this! As soon as I'm done with Austenland, which is turning out to be fabulous, I will start Second Chance. Of course waiting at home are Dedication by the same pair who wrote the Nanny Diaries (I didn't read their second novel, did you?) and The Bright Side of Disaster, which seems like mommy lit. Good stuff!

I will post soon about my recent craft projects and the awesome craft books I have found.


Working Families

A few days ago (it feels like weeks ago with the midweek holiday) I finished reading Working Families. I really enjoyed it. It took me at least two weeks go get through it since it is nonfiction and I find nonfiction reading to be slower for me. This is the kind of book I want to read a million times because one read-through is not enough to absorb all the information. This is the kind of book I want to have on my home shelves so I can refer to it again and again through the years. If only this book was fiction and took place in England, it would be my dream novel.

The author Joy Jordan-Lake, talks about how important it is for each spouse to find their calling in life, the thing that lights them up from the inside which also happens to glorify God. She also stresses seasons (similar to my thinking of "phases" regarding Addie's behavior) and how you and your spouse have to adjust what works for your family in different seasons. I love how the author unabashedly talks about how much she loves her profession and her various jobs and how important they are to her, and even though she has kids, she doesn't want to give them up. Finally! So she and her husband have found creative ways of balancing their three-career marriage--her job, his job and parenting three kids. It's an awesome book that comes with discussion questions--this would be the perfect book for a small home group--I wish there were enough young couples in our church who had/wanted kids so we could do this there.